Unfurling Fronds

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Unfurling Fronds

A poem by Lucy Dawlish

Was such a beautiful morning, the sun was out and thought I’d spend a bit of time in the park and spend a little time in the park meditating and spending a bit of time with mother nature before meeting my pagan friends for a bit of a get-together.

Whilst I sat watching the squirrels play and the pigeons searching for little edible titbits. I noticed the ferns glowing in the sunlight, they always look a little strange and a little magical too.

I started to think about how we are as people growing into the people we should be. It is kind of like we’re all curled up and we slowly uncurl ourselves to reveal ourselves.

With that in mind, I took the photos shown above and wrote the poem below.

UNferling Fronds:

The fronds of a fern unfurl, Forwards, Upwards,
Forever reaching for the sky,
Forever holding on to the hope of its fertile seeds reaching fertile grounds, Unfurling for the future,
Furthering its continued freedom,
Finding footholds in the fortitude of the old crag or stonewall,
Favouring the damp flanks of a flowing river or the moist fertile floor of the forest. There’s no fear in its unfurling and no folly in its growing,
Just the assuredness of furthering its foundational roots forever
Written by Lucy Dawlish

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