Register my Art

Homes-style image showing Abstract painting by Lucy Dawlish
CandyPops is and abstract painting by Lucy Dawlish shown her in a living room

Congratulations on buying your art

We realise your art isn’t just a piece you love but also an investment and part of your estate.

  1. Why register your LucyD artwork
    Registering your art helps us to keep track of the art and to keep the catalogue up to date
  2. Authentic art
    Registering your art also lets you know and your insurers know that the artwork is authentic as each piece has its Identity number and we know where it is. This helps keeps the provenance of the art intact
  3. Your details are privateWeWe live to launch products
    We use a professional art catalogue, that is used by art galleries and museums around the globe. Your details are safe and only LucyD Studio and You have access.
  4. Once registered you will always have access to your details which you can gange at any time.

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