Your privacy is

important to us

Privacy Policy overview

LucyD Studio Privacy Policy 18 April 2022

This privacy policy explains how LucyD Studio use any personal information we collect about you when you use this website, sign up as a member or attend an event or interact with LDS through other means such as surveys or social media. 

This privacy policy explains how LucyD Studio use any personal information we collect about you when you use this website, sign up as a member or attend an event or interact with LDS through other means such as surveys or social media. 

LDS works toward being compliant with all GDPR requirements. 


  • What information do we collect about you?
  • How will we use the information about you?
  • Who has access to your data?
  • Is my data safe?
  • Marketing
  • Access to your information and correction
  • Retention Policy
  • Other websites
  • Changes to our privacy policy
  • How to contact us

What information do we collect about you?

LucyD Studio collects personal information about you when you:

  • Sign up to our mailing list to receive our newsletter and updates, either via our website or through written sign-up sheets
  • We also collect some information from you voluntarily when you take part in surveys or submit information to us for opportunities for example Art funding through the arts commission

In each of the above instances, we include statements and require your confirmation for LDS using your personal data in line with this privacy policy. 

The information we hold on you includes your name, address, telephone number and email address.  Additionally, website usage information is collected using Google Analytics. 

You may also use other external online services to communicate with us, including but not limited to Eventbrite, Facbebook, Twitter, Survey Monkey etc. LDS has access to the data you provide to us via these websites. 

How will we use the information about you?

By filling in the forms, you understand that LDS may use some or all of the data for the effective administration of membership, provide services and carry out membership related activities.

The legal basis for this data processing is based on legitimate interests, to act in the interests of LDS visitors. All visitors can cancel their interaction through an online automated process at any time, or can contact us vie email at

LDS uses google analytics to record user patterns to help us understand how users interact with our site – this service collects additional information automatically about your visit to our web site, such as time of visit, pages read, your approximate location and IP address.

We use additional online services such as Eventbrite, Social Media Sites, Survey tools to promote and manage our events, and share information on our activities and campaigns, and canvas the opinion visitors to the LDS website. 

Who has access to your data?

LDS is the Data Controller.  As Data Controller,  LDS determines the way data is processed and why data is processed.  The contact details for the data controller are

Access to personal data is limited to accredited representatives, elected officials, paid staff or service providers working for LucyD Studios, and such access is restricted to the data necessary for the purposes outlined above. Any equality information you provide to LDS is only ever used once and is always anonymised.

Is my data safe? 

Our Data storage is working towards being compliant with GDPR regulations.  This policy is reviewed regularly to ensure consistent application. This involves us keeping your contact details in a secure database accessed only by  Executive Committee members, and contractors or service providers relating to website provision and maintenance.

All LDS Executive members and paid staff, as soon as practicable, are required to familiarise themselves with the Privacy Policy, follow guidance from the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), and take part in suitable training on Data Protection and its practical application in the work they undertake for the union. Volunteers, contractors, and those representing LDS in any capacity, are expected to observe the provisions of the Privacy Policy any time members’ information is used. 

This Policy will be updated whenever changing legislation, good practice or technical developments make this necessary.  Executive members, representatives and staff will be made aware of any such changes, and members will be notified of any changes and updates.


We would like to keep visitors  updated about LDS activities, send sector-related news, and occasionally include information on services, training, events or products offered by other companies and organisations that we believe would be of interest. This is communicated via our regular newsletter and occasional ad-hoc emails. 

If you have consented to receive the newsletter, you may opt out at a later date.  You can unsubscribe from LDS’s newsletter by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email, or by contacting us at

We do not sell or exchange our mailing lists with other companies or organisations.

Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please email You may be asked to prove your identity. Once received, we will provide you with a copy of any information that we hold about you within one month.

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

Retention Policy

If you decide to leave AUE, your data will be retained for no longer than 6 years. 

However, we may be required to retain this information longer to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and to resolve disputes. 

Other websites

When you use other services on other websites to make transactions with, communicate or otherwise interact with LDS, you should provide information only once you have read their respective privacy policies. 

Google Analytic


Square Card Payments: Most membership subscription transactions are handled through the external payment services provider Square. We access the data you provide to Square only to the extent necessary to administrate and process payments you make via our website. We do not have any access to your financial information, such as your bank account or credit/debit card details. For details on how Square processes your data, please read


Changes to our Policies

Please note: changes to GDPR requirements will be amended from time to time – we will bring any significant changes to your attention through the website and in newsletters. Any updates will be placed on this web page.

Shipping and returns

A list of approximate shipping cost, delivery times and enquires about damaged goods

Created: June 4th 2021
amended: August 25th 2021

Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us, we let you know what we use it for.

Created: April 18th 2021
amended: June 1st 2021

cookie policy

Cookies are needed to give you the best experience on this website

Created: April 18th 2021
amended: june 2nd 2021

Contact Us

You can do this via email at or via our contacts page

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